Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact Starconch: Where To Find Them

Starconch might not be useful now, but it certainly will be in the future. Here are the best locations to find Starconch in Genshin Impact.

You might have not yet considered gathering Starconch in Genshin Impact. It is a resource material found in the game on the beaches but has no use currently. However, this might change. If the rumors are to be believed, update 1.1 will introduce a new Hydro character Childe who will use Starconch as an ascension material. Hence, it is important to start gathering Starconch in Genshin Impact.

Genshin Impact Starconch: Where to Find Them

Starconch is scattered along the beaches in the Liyue region. Hence, you might need to use the Statue of the Seven first to unlock the area. You can head to any beach you want to collect a decent amount of Starconch. However, if you want to get an abundance of them, it is best to head to the beaches near Qiongji Estuary.

If you can’t find the location to get Starconch in Genshin Impact, it is to the south of the southernmost Statue of the Seven in the Mingyun Village. Once you reach the Statie, just start heading south until you find the beach. The beach is filled with tons of Starconches. Enough to get ready for ascending Childe as soon as it is available in the next patch update.

Find below the image of the locations for all the Starconch. If you want to get a detailed location, click on this link and get to the Genshin Impact’s interactive map.

Starconch is similar to a shell in shape. As soon as you get to any beach to get Starconch in Genshin Impact, their location will be visible as white light. Just follow the white light and start picking them up.

That’s exactly how and where you find Starconch in Genshin Impact. If you are more interested in collecting resource materials that are currently useful, you can read our guides on how to get Slime Condensate, Qingxin, and Firm Arrowheads in Genshin Impact.


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