Video Game Guides

AFK Journey: How To Gain Affinity

Not sure how to earn Affinity in AFK Journey? Here's a quick guide that can help you with it.

Affinity in AFK Journey is a mechanic that provides every player an opportunity to earn certain rewards. Each Hero in the roster has an Affinity Level with different milestones. Every milestone is associated with a reward like Gems, Invite Letters, Tale, etc. A completionist like me would like to gain Affinity with every AFK Journey Hero. That said, here’s a quick guide that can help you increase your Affinity with any character quickly.

How to Increase Affinity in AFK Journey

The easiest way to gain Affinity is by using Heroes and interacting with them. You can open the Resonating Hall and select any Hero to gain two extra Affinity Points. However, it should be noted that you can only do this thrice a day.

Following this method will take you an eternity to reach the highest Affinity level in the AFK Journey. That is why, developers have added special Affinity Items that you can use to gain a decent amount of Affinity. You should know every Hero has a preference and giving them gifts accordingly will greatly increase the Affinity. For now, you gain Affinity from three places and that includes the following:

Friendship Store

Friendship Store is located in the Emporium where you can purchase Affinity Items by spending Pal-Coins. This currency can be earned by helping friends that you make during your adventure.

Below is a list of items that you can purchase from the Friendship Store:

  • Starlight Cup
  • Fragrant Bouquet
  • Spectral Lantern
  • Fang Dagger
  • Sacredite Pendant
  • Demon’s Gaze
  • Origami Hamster

Exploring the World

Aside from the above, you can get some Affinity Items in AFK Journey by exploring the map. You can find these items scattered anywhere in your surroundings:

  • Honeyberry
  • Hexaflower
  • Glowfly Fruit
  • Wisteria Vine
  • Radish
  • Rainbow Flower

Complete Quests

Often, you will get Affinity Items by completing quests. So it is recommended that you participate in every challenge that’s put forward to you.

Note: To know a Hero’s favorite Affinity Item, simply go to Resonating Hall, select a Hero, and go to their Affinity page. From there, any item with the “green heart” icon is the favorite Affinity Item of the respective Hero.

That’s all you can do to gain Affinity in AFK Journey. Now that you are here, why don’t you reward yourself with some of the most precious items through AFK Journey Codes? We have a separate guide that can help you with it.

Aniket Maurya

Hops between Sports and Action RPG games frequently. Can play the Arkham series tirelessly. Currently invested in exploring FPS and Open-World games.

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