Video Game Guides

Forza Horizon 5 Player House Locations – Find All 7 Player Houses Here

We found seven houses in Forza Horizon 5. Here are the map locations of each one of them.

Player House is a kind of safe house in Forza Horizon 5.  They are locked behind expeditions in the game. You can find expeditions at Horizon Outpost. Look for an H ticket, or check for Tulum Expedition or Baja Expeditions at the outpost. Unlocking Player House will also unlock a Fast Travel Point in Forza Horizon 5. You can earn double points and checkout promos. Each player house has a perk that becomes part of your stats as you unlock them. Here is how to find all the seven-player houses in Forza Horizon 5.

1. CASA Bella:

Casa Bella is one of the player houses located in the Baja California region, towards the southwest region. It is free and unlocking this one will activate this perk – DJs will now play Skill Songs.

2. La Casa Solariega:

La Casa Solariega is located at the center of the map. Look for a straight white line, to identify its exact location. The price of this player house is 1,500,000 CR. Unlocking this one will activate this perk – #Forzathon Points Boost (2x #Forzathon Points).

3. La Cabana:

La Cabana is located a little north of Buenas Vistas. It is easy to find if you travel to the north following west-coast. The price of this player house is 150,000 CR. Unlocking this one will reward you with Barn Find Rumor.

4. Buenas Vistas:

Buenas Vistas is located on the extreme west corner of the map. The price of this player house is 200,000 CR. Unlocking this one will activate this perk – Fast Travel (Instantly travel to any road on the map.)

5. Hotel Castillo:

Hotel Castillo is located on the North of the main map. The price of this player house is 5,000,000 CR. Unlocking this one will reward you with wheel spins.

6. Buena Esperanza:

Buena Esperanza is located on the South-east corner of the map. The price of this player house is 7,00,000 CR. Unlocking this one will reward you with #185 Porsche 959.

7. Lugar Tranquilo:

Lugar Tranquilo is located near Rivera Maya. The price of this player house is 700,000 CR. Unlocking this one will activate this perk – Horizon Promo (Photograph your car collection.)

These are all seven Player Houses in Forza Horizon 5. You can find their exact locations using the map screenshot above and also check out their price and perks. You will need credits or money to buy these houses. For this, you can check our guide on how to get money in Forza Horizon 5.

Raaj Srivastava

My journey as a gaming content writer began as a hobby, where I can eagerly jot down my thoughts and impressions of the latest releases, break down complex gaming concepts into digestible pieces, accessible to both seasoned players and newcomers alike.

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