Dreamlight Valley

How Often Do Flowers Respawn In Dreamlight Valley? (Answered)

Picking flowers is not as easy as it seems. Understanding their internal timer in Disney Dreamlight Valley is the first step to maximizing their forage without wasting time.

In DDV each flower is exclusive to one biome. This can be considered a blessing and also a curse. Since it is fixed, you will find the place just by googling it or reading our guide, however, waiting for it to spawn is a tedious job. There are over 60 in the valley, and not all are divided equally. The Red Daisy max limit is 2, and the Green Passion Lily is 6. Not only that, even these flowers respawn time is different in Disney Dreamlight Valley. Depending on the rarity and the max rate, there is a different internal timer.

After testing out various methods and spending hours waiting for these beautiful devilish things to regrow, we were able to find the routine. Yes, devilish! DDV has made it impossible for me to say, it is as easy as picking flowers. Thankfully for you, it wouldn’t be as much of a hassle, if you save and refer to our list for foraging.

Disney Dreamlight Valley Flowers Respawn Time Explained

Flower respawn depends on rarity and max limit in Disney Dreamlight Valley (Image Credit: Gameloft)

Before we get to the chart, let us first understand how the internal respawn timer works. As we have mentioned above, the spawn time depends on the rarity and max limit.

To put it in an example, if you collected 4 Blue Hydrangea (Which is max) from Dazzle Beach. By the set timer, it will respawn one at a time, after which each one will grow after a 30-minute gap. What I mean is that only one of each type and color will spawn in the given time, so even if you wait for all of them to regrow and then forage, the result wouldn’t be any different. For all Blue Hydrangea to grow it will take one and a half more hours after the first one.

One to five flowers of different types and colors grow at a gap of 10 minutes in each biome. If you are able to, you can try covering the large area of the biome with something like carpet, forcing the flowers to grow at the remaining spot. Now that it is clear how these timers work, let us get to the chart to find the max spawns and internal timer of all flowers.

Flower Respawn Internal Timer and Rarity

Note: Red Roses are not included, as you get them from the Beast’s Greenhouse.

Since there are many flowers, we are still updating this list. We will try our best to include all of them as soon as possible, but for now, here is all we have:

RarityInternal TimerFlowers ListMaximum Spawns
Abundant20 minutesGreen Passion Lily6 Flowers
Pink Bromeliad
Pink Hydrangea
Purple Marsh Milkweed
Red Bell Flower
Red Bromeliad
Red Falling Penstemon
White Impatiens
Yellow Daisy
Average30 minutesBlue Falling Penstemon4 Flowers
Blue Hydrangea
Blue Star Lily
Orange Marsh Milkweed
Pink Houseleek
Purple Bell Flower
Purple Falling Penstemon
Purple Impatiens
Purple Rising Penstemon
Red Nasturtium
Red Passion Lily
White Marsh Milkweed
White Passion Lily
Rare40 minutesBlue Marsh Milkweed3 Flowers
Blue Passion Lily
Green Rising Penstemon
Orange Houseleek
Orange Nasturtium
Orange Star Lily
Purple Hydrangea
White Daisy
Ultra Rare60 minutesBlack Passion Lily2 Flowers
Orange & Red Marsh Milkweed
Red Daisy
White & Pink Falling Penstemon
White & Red Hydrangea
White Bell Flower
Yellow Bromeliad
Yellow Nasturtium

Hopefully, this was able to explain how the Disney Dreamlight Valley flowers respawn timer works and when you should forage for them. To find more topics from the DDV, make sure to skim through our dedicated section.

Mansi Singh

From Kemco's Glorious Savior, Asdivine Dios, Revenant Saga to Haiku's Asylum, Murder Inn, and Time Library. Mysterious and RPGs have always been the soul of my life. Today Magic Awakened, TOTK, Asphalt Legends, SoS AWL, and Ni no Kuni have grasped me. But the future untold full of exciting stories are waiting to be explored, and I wish to live them all.

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