Video Game Guides

Sonic Frontiers: Every Fishing Spot In The Game

Here is a complete guide on all fishing spots in Sonic Frontiers.

Being the first open-world segment in the Hedgehog series, Sonic Frontiers has pleased many hardcore Sonic fans. The game has everything right from big boss battles, collecting rings and even fishing! Yes, you heard it right. Fishing has become an important aspect for several players. However, the enormous world of Sonic Frontiers makes it hard for many players to find fishing spots. Worry not, we have curated a list of all fishing spots in the game for you.

All Fishing Spots in Sonic Frontiers

Fishing has become a way for players to unwind and relax in the game. However, fishing can only be done with the use of Purple coins. Big Cat – part of the Sonic franchise’s famous folklore is found at these spots. He will lend his fishing rod to you in exchange for 1 Purple coin.

Fishing is not only a casual activity in Sonic Frontiers. You can find various scrap materials, treasures, and even gold tokens while fishing. These can help you get tons of upgrades for your Sonic character. Most of the islands spread across in the game have at least one fishing spot. The fish species differ from island to island which makes every catch worth your time.

Kronos Island

You’ll cast a rod for the first time at Kronos Island. The fishing spot can be found at the extreme western part of the map. It is located at a very isolated stretch of the island.

Chaos Island

You can reach this spot after completing the M-068 puzzle. You will then have access to the fishing spot located in the southeast part of the map in Sonic Frontiers.

Ares Island

This fishing spot is located at a very isolated part of the map. You may have to complete either one of the challenges M-042 or M-041 to reach here.

Ouranos Island

Two fishing spots can be found on this island. After you collect the blue Chaos Emerald, head northeast to reach the fishing location. The second fishing spot is located towards the south side of the cyan Chaos Emerald.

That sums it up for all the available fishing spots in Sonic Frontiers. If you found this interesting, do check out our guides on Sonic Frontiers right here.

Milton Dsouza

Milton is an open-world fanatic who is currently on his umpteenth replay of RDR2. Apart from exploring the Wild West on his Turkoman horse, he is also mesmerized by the outrageous building mechanics in Zelda TOTK and relishes engaging in PvP battles while playing Warzone DMZ. Fascinated by the Soulslike genre, Milton can't wait to set foot in Elden Ring next.

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