V Rising Wiki

V Rising: How To Find & Defeat Cyril The Cursed Smith

Learn how to find and defeat Cyril the Cursed Smith in V Rising by checking out our guide.

Cyril the Cursed Smith is one of the tough bosses you will encounter in the game. However, before that you have to find him, which is not so tough. In this guide, we have covered the location to find Cyril the Cursed Smith in V Rising. He is a level 65 boss and it can be difficult to beat him. You must be on or above his level to endure and match his combat skills. Don’t fret, we have covered all you need to know to defeat Cyril the Cursed Smith in V Rising. Check out this guide to know more about the same.

Where to Find Cyril the Cursed Smith in V Rising

Image Credits: GlensGames on YouTube

Actually, by the name of this boss, you can make a guess where to find Cyril the Cursed Smith in V Rising. Look for him in the Cursed Village located in the Cursed Forest. Once you reach in the abandoned village, you can track his V Blood to find out his exact location.

How to Defeat Cyril the Cursed Smith

Image Credits: Crimson Silhouette on YouTube

You need to have long ranged weapons, shields, and illusions. And most importantly, you have to be agile. Cyril uses his attacks strategically to distract players. And when the time is right, he will strike at you.

  • Firstly, he won’t stand in one place for more than a couple of seconds. He is constantly moving. Before moving, he will summon floating orbs that revolve around him, slowly increasing their radius. These orbs can deal damage if you get in their path. However, you can attack this orbs and destroy them. But, do your best to dodge them.
  • He also has a melee attack in which he slashes forward three times consecutively and then charges to and fro. Keep in mind that the orbs have already surrounded you. So, you have to focus on him and his floating orbs.
  • Coming to his main attack, just like his orbs, he can summon floating spears and swords. These spears and swords hover around the environment, waiting to strike at you. The good thing is that you can attack the weapons and make them disappear. They will be in good numbers though, so it is better to dodge them when they charge at you.
  • Amidst all these obstacles, you have to aim and take your shot at Cyril. If you succeeded in lowering his health, you need to be prepared for another attack. When his HP drops at 30%, he gets the ability to dash 4 times consecutively.

After this point, it will get easy to defeat Cyril the Cursed Smith in V Rising. So, if you have survived until now, victory is very near.

What are the Rewards for Defeating Cyril?

If you emerge victorious against the cursed boss, you’re in for a treat. You will get Wraith Spear spell, Anvil and the Recipe for Dark Silver Ingot.

That’s all about how to find Cyril the Cursed Smith in V Rising and defeat him. If you found this guide helpful, check out more such guides on V Rising right here on Gamer Tweak.

Eddy Robert

Aside from my Passion for Games, I am also a Professional Guitarist at The Harp, UK. Now working as a Freelance News and Guides writer at GamerTweak. You can reach me at contactus@gamertweak.com

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