Diablo 4

Where To Find Capstone Dungeons In Diablo 4 (Map Location)

Here is the location of the Cathedral Of Light Capstone Dungeon in Diablo 4.

The Capstone Dungeons take players on one of the most difficult challenges in Diablo 4. They are much larger and harder than the standard dungeons in the game and also feature high-level enemies. So, if you are wondering what to do after beating the Diablo 4 campaign, Capstone Dungeons is the way to go. Moreover, they are also your only way to unlock World Tier 3. If you are trying to find the dungeon without any success, then our location guide can help you out. Here is where to find the Cathedral of Light Capstone Dungeon in Diablo 4.

Also Read: What Level Nightmare Dungeon Should I Do?

Cathedral Of Light Capstone Dungeon in Diablo 4 (Map Location)

You will find the Capstone Dungeon in Diablo 4 in Kyovashad inside a building just above the World Tier Statue. Just refer to the image above to get the exact location of the Cathedral of Light Capstone Dungeon in D4. The entrance to the dungeon can be found in the northwest corner of the building.

How to Unlock Capstone Dungeons in Diablo 4

Capstone Dungeons can only be unlocked after you complete Diablo 4’s main campaign and the Legacy of the Horadrim Epilogue quest. You will then have the objective titled “World Tier 3: Nightmare” in your list of Priority quests. And that’s not all, to access the Capstone Dungeon, the difficulty must be set to World Tier 2: Veteran. You can change your difficulty by interacting with the World Tier Statue in Kyovashad.

Keep in mind that Capstone Dungeons have level 50 enemies. So, it’s recommended that your character is upgraded to level 50 or above. If you are not up to Level 50, then you will have a hard time surviving the brutal Capstone Dungeon in Diablo 4.

Also Read: How To Increase World Tier In Diablo 4 (Change Difficulty)

That’s all you need to know where to find the Capstone Dungeon in Diablo 4. If you want to be a completionist, take a look at the list of Main, Side & Priority Missions in Diablo 4 to ensure you don’t miss a single quest. For more guides on the game, head to our Diablo 4 section.

Milton Dsouza

Milton is an open-world fanatic who is currently on his umpteenth replay of RDR2. Apart from exploring the Wild West on his Turkoman horse, he is also mesmerized by the outrageous building mechanics in Zelda TOTK and relishes engaging in PvP battles while playing Warzone DMZ. Fascinated by the Soulslike genre, Milton can't wait to set foot in Elden Ring next.

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