
Faction Defense Tycoon Codes (April 2024)

Here are all active and working Faction Defense Tycoon Codes that you can use to get rewards.

Are you looking for Faction Defense Tycoon Codes in Roblox that you can redeem for free rewards? Then you are at the right place as this guide is all you will need. While playing Roblox Experiences, one of the best parts is getting freebies that will help you progress further in the game. As you look to compete with other players in the experience, getting the best weapons and items is necessary to level up. Thankfully, with the freebies, you can level up quickly. So if you want to redeem these codes, we recommend you read below.

All Faction Defense Tycoon Codes (April 2024)

Here are all the working Faction Defense Tycoon Codes that you are looking for:

  • giantzedbonus – Redeem this code to get spawn a giant
  • addprestige32 – Redeem this code to get Prestige Level
  • maze74 – Redeem this code to get 50,000 Cash
  • morexp52 – Redeem this code to get 4,000 free XP

Expired Codes

Here’s where we list the codes that are not working or have expired in the game:

  • morexp – Redeem this code to get +4000 free XP
  • CASHER – Redeem this code to get 80,000 Cash
  • FIREFLAME – Redeem this code to get free rewards
  • SYKE – Redeem this code to get haha GOTEEM
  • RIPZED – Redeem this code to get 1,000,000 Cash
  • XP123 — Redeem this code to get 3 levels.
  • FLAMER2 — Redeem this code to get a fire trail effect on your character.
  • ZEDGAMINGYT — Redeem this code to get +20,000 cash.
  • FREEPRESTIGE — Redeem this code to get 3 Prestige credits.
  • CAPTAIN — Redeem this code to get +5,000,000 cash.
  • ZEDYT – Redeem this code to Reach Level 15

How to Redeem Faction Defense Tycoon Codes

If you are new to the game and don’t know how to redeem the codes, then here’s what you need to do:

  • Launch Faction Defense Tycoon on your device and then select your team.
  • Once you spawn, start the tycoon, and then you will see all the options pop up.
  • On the bottom right, you will be able to notice a text bar where you need to paste in one of the working codes.
  • Now simply enjoy the rewards.

That’s all there is on Faction Defense Tycoon codes and how to redeem them. While you are here, make sure you check out our other Codes guides right here at Gamer Tweak.

Shreyansh Shah

The 'Into-resting' kind of guy, Shreyansh loves scoring goals in FIFA and dying in the boss fights of Sekiro. Also, hacking and slashing zombies is his second favorite pass time after Call of Duty. The galaxies far far away is where Shreyansh spends his weekends if he is not racing on different circuits.

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