Call of Duty

COD Mobile: How To Get & Use Etched Stones

Here is a guide on how you can get & use Etched Stones in COD Mobile and obtain rewards in the Mythical Mission.

Looking for ways to get your hands on Etched Stones in COD Mobile? If yes, then don’t worry we have got you covered with this guide. Season 6 Templar’s Oath introduces many first experiences for players from new weapons, and perks to a whole new game mode along with a Battle Royale class and a new themed event in the game. Although it also brings in Event currencies called Etched stones that players will have to obtain and spend to progress in the Mythical Mission event and earn rewards in COD Mobile. With the list of updates, it might get confusing for players to know how exactly they can acquire them. So if you are wondering the same, check out this guide further to know more about it.

How to Obtain Etched Stones in COD Mobile

The easiest way for players to get their hands on Etched Stones would be to complete multiplayer as well as Battle Royale matches in COD Mobile. You can go play your regular matches to acquire the event currency in the game. This makes it easy for players to get Etched Stones and use them to progress further. Although there are some other options available for players through which they can obtain them. Additionally, players can complete the Daily Tasks and Challenges in the game. Players can access them from the in-game Events tab in COD Mobile and complete them accordingly.

How to Use Etched Stones in CODM

Once you get your hands on enough Etched Stones in COD Mobile, use it to acquire nodes on the map. After occupying them you will earn various in-game rewards in the game. Although it is worth mentioning that each node is different from one another. This means that choosing a specific node can prove to be more beneficial to you than another. So you will have to use the Etched Stones accordingly to get your hands on huge rewards in the game. Here are the steps you can follow to occupy nodes in COD Mobile:

  • Launch COD Mobile on your iOS or Android device.
  • After loading, select the Events Tab available on the left side of the screen.
  • Once done, tap on the Mythical Mission Tab.
  • Here, you will be able to select and occupy any node you want.
  • Players can then use the Etched Stones they acquired.

That’s everything covered on how to get & use Etched Stones in COD Mobile. Check out our dedicated Call Of Duty section for more guides like these, right here on Gamer Tweak.

Om More

Om has mastered his character development through every Assassin's Creed game. From dying mercilessly in boss battles to comically failing stealth attempts, he has seen it all. You can spot him finding solace in watching Kitchen Nightmares during breaks.

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