Pokemon GO

Can You Get Dusk Form Lycanroc In Pokemon GO? [Answered]

Read this guide to find out whether you can get Lycanroc in Pokemon GO.

Lycanroc is a Rock Type Pokemon that was introduced first in Generation 7. It is known as the ‘Wolf Pokemon’. The Rock-type Pokemon Rockruff and its evolutions made their debut in Pokemon GO recently. It has a total of three forms – the Midday Form and Midnight Form that were first seen in Pokemon Sun and Moon. The Dusk Form Lycanroc on the other hand, was added later as well. Many trainers are vying to get this evolved form in their team. But the question is, can you get Dusk Form Lycanroc in Pokemon GO? Well, we will provide the answer to that question right here.

How to Get Dusk Form Lycanroc in Pokemon GO

To ease your suspense, let me put it straight. There is no way to get Dusk Form Lycanroc in Pokemon GO. Yes, it is unavailable in this game. You can only evolve your Rockruff into the other 2 evolutions. Trainers can evolve their Rockruff to Midday Form Lycanroc and Midnight Form Lycanroc in Pokemon GO. Here’s how:

How to Evolve Rockruff into Midday form Lycanroc

While most Pokemon simply evolve when you level them up, the same cannot be said about Rockruff. Rockruff’s evolution is not straightforward by any sort. To evolve it into Midday form Lycanroc you will need to save up on at least 50 Candy. This will unlock the evolution option. Now, you just need to keep in mind the time of the day. You will have to level up Rockruff during the day – and that’s it! You will now have the Midday Form Lycanroc on your team!

How to Evolve Rockruff into Midnight form Lycanroc

Quite similar to the method explained above, save up on 50 Candy first and level up your Rockruff during nighttime. Your Pokemon will turn into Midnight Form Lycanroc immediately after that.

So, now you know the answer on ‘can you get Dusk Form Lycanroc in Pokemon GO’. If this guide helped you, head over to our Pokemon GO page right here on Gamer Tweak.

Milton Dsouza

Milton is an open-world fanatic who is currently on his umpteenth replay of RDR2. Apart from exploring the Wild West on his Turkoman horse, he is also mesmerized by the outrageous building mechanics in Zelda TOTK and relishes engaging in PvP battles while playing Warzone DMZ. Fascinated by the Soulslike genre, Milton can't wait to set foot in Elden Ring next.

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