Lost Ark

Lost Ark DPS Meter Explained

Check out this guide to know about the DPS Meter Tool for Lost Ark.

Third-party tools like DPS Meters allows a player to improve their gameplay extensively. Gamers who play action MMORPGs like Lost Ark often use such tools to enhance the quality of their performance. So, is there a DPS Meter for Lost Ark? If yes, then how does it work? Here is everything you should know.

How Does a DPS Meter Work in Lost Ark?

Image Source: GitHuB

A DPS Meter is an unofficial third-party application that analyzes your game for you. It includes your playstyle, moves, etc so that you can form a strategy accordingly. A DPS Meter reads the Data Packets that are received by the game from the servers. Also, it does not use any in-game element or resource for analyzing but only reads the Data Packets.

How to Get DPS Meter for Lost Ark?

Note – The DPS Meter is not a developer-recognized application. Hence, it comes with several risks and it is recommended to use this tool at your own will.

You can download a DPS Meter through the GitHub website. From there, you can access the download link and follow the steps written in the description to install it.

Is there a Risk of getting Banned?

Unfortunately, there is a great chance that your account may get banned if you are using a DPS Meter in Lost Ark. The game reads Data Packets that contains important information, which is obviously a matter of concern for devs. If suspected, your account can observe a temporary suspension or even a permanent ban.

There are thousands of players who are using DPS Meter but is it really worth it? I mean, progressing your skill set is fine but is it worth getting banned for? I would recommend grinding and upgrading your gameplay naturally.

That is everything covered about the Lost Ark DPS Meter. While you are here, make sure to check out our other Lost Ark Guides on Gamer Tweak.

Aniket Maurya

Hops between Sports and Action RPG games frequently. Can play the Arkham series tirelessly. Currently invested in exploring FPS and Open-World games.

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