
DOOM Eternal Is Coming To Xbox Game Pass

With the purchase of ZeniMax Media and all related software houses, Microsoft is now able to take total control over all the past, present and future intellectual properties of the various software houses of the company. In this regard, what now seems to be Microsoft’s first move ever with this new acquisition, is to add to its Xbox Game Pass service the id Software’s latest work: DOOM Eternal.

Starting October 1st, the excellent shooter will become a new downloadable product for all Xbox One owners. Later, by the end of the year, it will also land on Xbox Game Pass for PC, but at the moment the release date is not yet clear.

The reason that could be hidden behind this sudden addition can be attributed to the next update of the title that will introduce the first official DLC which will be called Doom Eternal: The Ancient Gods – Part One, expansion divided into two acts that will arrive on October 20 on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One also in a standalone version.

Presumably, Xbox Series X or Xbox Series S buyers who subscribe to the Game Pass service should be able to receive the free upgrade to the next-gen version with related graphics changes and more as they become available.

Stay tuned to find out all the information you need about DOOM Eternal’s arrival on Xbox Game Pass only on


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