Days Gone Wiki

Days Gone Directors Have Left Sony Bend Studio

Sony Bend Studio is currently working on a new open-world project. According to recent reports, the Days Gone creators will have to do without the support of two leading figures who have decided to leave the studio.

Only shortly after the developers at Sony Bend Studios released their new brand Days Gone last year, work on a new project of the studio was confirmed. According to recent reports, the studio will have to forego the support of two leading figures who have decided to leave Sony Bend.

On the one hand, we are dealing with Creative Director John Garvin, who left the studio a year ago, but has only just made this step public. Number two in the league is game director Jeff Ross, who is leaving Sony Bend this week.

John Garvin had been with Sony Bend Studios since 1997 and worked for the studio before it was taken over by Sony Interactive Entertainment, which operated under the name Eidetic until 2000. Jeff Ross, on the other hand, joined Sony Interactive Entertainment in 2006 and moved to Sony Bend in 2015.

According to their own information, Sony Bend Studios are already working on a new open-world project. It has not yet been revealed whether this could be a successor to Days Gone.

However, the developers gave the first details about their upcoming project in the spring and pointed out that the players can look forward to cinematic facial animations.

Unfortunately, it has not yet been revealed when the official unveiling of the new title of Sony Bend can be expected.


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