
Days Gone 2 Could Be In Development As Sony Bend Starts Recruiting for AAA PS5 Project

SIE Bend Studio, developers of Days Gone, the title that excited many fans with a good open-world zombie game, is now looking for programmers for its next Triple-A title exclusive to PlayStation 5, and most probably it could be none other than Days Gone 2.

The functions they seek to supply are those of someone with experience in implementing video game audio and collaborating with sound designers. There are multiple requirements, including a minimum of 5 years of professional programming experience with “cinematic-quality facial articulation” or at least one AAA game released.

It is not known what the next title of Bend Studio will be, among which there is the suspicion of a Days Gone 2. Anyway, the hopes are high for this sequel, given the success of the first title of the game.

Days Gone is a title of zombies in an open world with a little bit of similarity like GTA, which had its release of GTA 5 a long time ago and since this style of Rockstar Games series being popular, it will surely attract a lot of players when the title releases worldwide.

It is important, however, to recognize that the mediocre game that was released in April 2019 has been considerably improved to date, especially due to the correction of the countless initial bugs. Anyway, this is only a speculation of an evaluation that would definitely be much more complex, as many positive and negative details can be found throughout the game though.

In any case, would you like to see Days Gone 2 to happen? What are you expecting from the second title of the game? Tell us in the comments below.


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