Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 Update 1.21 Available for Download on PC & Consoles

Cyberpunk 2077 is finally updated also on PC, Google Stadia, and consoles, with the arrival of the update 1.21. This new update goes to solve many bugs that still plague the title since its launch, and that CD Projekt Red is committed to solving, despite the difficulties that came with the recent hacking attack a few months ago.

This is the content of the corrective patch:

  • Fixed an issue where, after the player commits a crime on the roof of a building, NCPD officers would spawn behind the player’s back.
  • Fixed an issue preventing the player from climbing ladders out of water.
  • Fixed various issues related to clipping in NPCs’ clothes.
  • Added back the icon above NPCs, who are under the Distract Enemies quick hack effect.
    Scanning UI is now less cluttered.
  • Fixed an issue where Japanese/Traditional Chinese text could disappear if the player changed the interface language from English to one of these languages.
  • Various memory management improvements (reducing the number of crashes).
  • Players should now be able to select stickers in Photo Mode using the Circle button in the Japanese version of the game on PlayStation 4.
  • Fixed some graphical issues on a bridge in Mikoshi in Belly Of The Beast/Changes.

In this update, the developers have focused on further improving the overall stability of the game and fixing the most common problems that could block progression. Not only that, this new hotfix resolves many bugs that occurred in specific missions, making it impossible to complete them.

Who knows that this recent update 1.21 may not be one more step for Cyberpunk 2077 towards the return to digital stores.


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