Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 Full Disclosure Databank – How To Retrieve The Databank & Get Best Reward

In this guide, you will learn how to retrieve the Databank and get the best reward for the Cyberpunk 2077 Full Disclosure Databank quest.

During the Cyberpunk 2077 Full Disclosure Databank mission, Sandra will ask you to get her a databank. You will also encounter various choices. Depending on the choice you make, you can get various rewards. In this guide, we will discuss how to retrieve the databank in Cyberpunk 2077 Full Disclosure Databank quest and get the best possible reward.

How to Retrieve the Databank in Full Disclosure

You will get the databank on a crate when you enter from the east side of the building marked by the quest objective. The entrance to the building is guarded. Hence, you will have to make your way past the guards. The options to get in may vary depending on the attributes that you have invested in.

If you have Body 5, you can use the brutal way and takedown the guards to get in. On the other hand, if you have a good Technical Ability attribute level, you can use the footbridge and get past a window. Lastly, you can also use the garage to the left of the entrance gate. Once you are inside the building, look for a crate, and find the databank lying on it.

How to Get the Best Reward for Full Disclosure Databank Mission

To get the best reward for the CP2077 Full Disclosure Databank quest, you will have to, as the name says, disclose everything to Sandra. When you meet her after getting the Databank, she will bring you to her apartment. But before all this happens, you will have to decrypt the Databank.

Now, when you get to her apartment, you will have the option to tell her the truth. What you need to do is admit that you have read the Databank and congratulate her. This will get you a great reward. But if you want to get the best reward for the CP2077 Full Disclosure Databank quest, get to Intelligence level 7 before taking the gig. With Intelligence level 7, you can easily get the best reward for the quest.

That’s the end of our Cyberpunk 2077 Full Disclosure Databank quest guide. Now you know how to retrieve the Databank and get the best reward for this quest. While here, ensure reading how to romance River Ward, should you choose Billy-Goat or the other choice, and how to complete Epistrophy quest in Cyberpunk 2077 guides. Reading these guides will come in handy at a certain point in time.


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