Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 Free DLC, New Game Plus Mode & More Leaked

According to dataminers, Cyberpunk 2077 will also get free DLC, New Game Plus Mode, and more.

At the start of this new week, we received unconfirmed details about the upcoming free DLC and features for Cyberpunk 2077. The relevant clues were discovered in the source code of the role-playing game.

Cyberpunk 2077 Free DLC, New Game Plus mode details leaked

Since the developers at CD Projekt initially wanted to fix the bugs and performance problems with which Cyberpunk 2077 had to struggle, especially on the consoles, the DLC of the role-playing game was pushed back to release a later time.

However, this is soon going to change, as dataminers would like to have found out the first details about it. They came across the corresponding information in the source code of Cyberpunk 2077, which is supposed to provide specific information about the free DLCs and expansions promised before the release.

The additional content that could find its way into Cyberpunk 2077 for free includes further customization options for your own hero, additional weapons, or exclusive quests.

Indications of a possible New Game Plus mode and other types of opponents were also discovered in the data from the role-playing game. The same applies to unconfirmed details about a chargeable expansion.

With this, the Pacifica area could be expanded, which is still quite sparse compared to the other areas of the game world. A new battle zone could also be part of the first download expansion. In contrast, no references to the second promised download extension could be found in the source code of Cyberpunk 2077.

Since an official statement or confirmation from CD Projekt is still pending, the information provided by the dataminers should of course be taken with the necessary caution for the time being.



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