Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 New Comparison Video Showcases Graphical Improvements

A fan posted a comparison video of Cyberpunk 2077 on Reddit, which compares recently presented gameplay videos with old ones. It becomes clear that the visual quality of the game has improved even further over the past two years. In addition, three new screenshots for the game have appeared.

New gameplay material for the CDPR title was published on the online edition of the Tokyo Game Show 2020. From this, fans created a Cyberpunk 2077 comparison video on Reddit, which contrasts the current recordings and the old gameplay scenes from 2018. There you will see a well-known quest that revolves around the so-called Maelstrom Gang.

You’ll see that the action RPG’s graphics have improved significantly over the past two years. The improvements are hard to miss, especially when it comes to lighting. In the video, for example, we see a puddle in which the light is reflected. The atmospheric lighting of the background is also noticeable. This is mainly thanks to the ray-tracing function.

In addition, the character models look much more detailed. The clothes of the person to be seen and their equipped implants appear much more realistic than before. The textures have also been optically upgraded and now have a better structure. Otherwise, we noticed smaller details such as objects lying around or the improved camouflage of the spider robot.

While the comparison video has a duration of three minutes, the gameplay recording of the TGS 2020 is nine minutes long. If you haven’t seen this yet, you can look at it below this article. The video indicates that the game is still a work in progress and the footage doesn’t represent the final look. So there could be one or two adjustments before the release.

In addition, CD Projekt RED published three new screenshots on the Japanese Twitter account. There you can see the hitman Jacky and gang member Judy as well as the trauma team.

Cyberpunk 2077 will be released on November 19th this year for PS4, Xbox One, Google Stadia, and PC. The next-gen versions for PS5 and Xbox Series will be available over the next year.

The comparison video, the expanded gameplay video of TGS 2020 can be viewed below:


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