
Control Sequel Could Be In Development, According to a Job Listing

There is a certain chance that Remedy Entertainment will take care of Control sequel. At the very least, a job advertisement for a senior producer could suggest this.

With Control, Remedy Entertainment was able to celebrate great success. So what could be more obvious than thinking about a Control sequel? In fact, the company could be working on a sequel or spin-off.

While the official announcement of a Control Sequel is still pending, a current job advertisement from the developer indicates in which direction the journey could go. The studio is looking for a senior producer for a key role in working on “Remedy’s Control franchise.”

In addition, the job description states the following: “We are looking for an experienced Senior Producer to come and help our Executive Producer to work on Control. We require a team player with excellent project management and communication skills, someone who is passionate to support a group of experts at Remedy in the creation of our next projects.”

In the past, it was not uncommon for older job advertisements to be misinterpreted. The job posting that the quote came from, however, appears to be new, suggesting that Remedy Entertainment has a larger project in the pipeline.

Even if there is no explicit mention of a Control Sequel, it would be rather unusual to have a franchise with only one title. But the truth also belongs: Remedy Entertainment is not yet finished with the first game.

The description in the job advertisement suggests that the project described is a game that will be launched for the new PS5 and Xbox Series X consoles: “Stay aware of industry standards, both in terms of methodology and quality, and help team members stay on par or ahead of them when necessary.”

Recall that Control is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.


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