Video Game Guides

How To Change Hats In Kirby Fighters 2

You can change the appearance of how your customer looks in Kirby Fighters 2 by changing hats. Continue to read how to change hats in Kirby Fighters 2.

Character customization has always been something that players are really fond of. Everyone likes to give their characters a final touch of their own. In Kirby Fighters 2, you can tweak your character’s look by changing hats. If you don’t have any clue of what I am talking, just follow this guide and you will know everything about hats in Kirby Fighters 2. This guide will discuss everything right from how to get more hats to how to change hats in Kirby Fighters 2.

Kirby fighters 2: How to Get More Hats

The only way to unlock hats in Kirby Fighters 2 is to play the game and level up your characters. Currently, there is no in-game way to spend currency and purchase hats in Kirby Fighters 2. So all you need to do is keep playing the game, and new hats will be automatically added to the collection.

Another way to unlock hats in Kirby Fighter 2 is by playing during a promotional event. For instance, you can get the “Hero Sword Hat” while playing during the Super Kirby Clash event.

Kirby Fighters 2: How to Change Hats

When you have collected enough hats, its time to equip them. To equip or change hats in Kirby Fighters 2, you need to head to the character selection menu. When you hover over any playable character, a list of all the hats available to change will be displayed on the upper left corner of the screen.

From here starts the selection process. While hovering over the player, use X on the controller to switch between all the available hats. Once you have got the hat of your choice, simply press the A button to change hats in Kirby Fighter 2. If you don’t want to select any hat and just want to see how they like in your character, avoid pressing A, keep on pressing X.

That’s pretty much everything you need to know about how to change hats in Kirby Fighters 2.


A content writer who loves playing games in real world, on PC & Mobile, and with words. Has a soft corner for technology and how it is transforming the business world. You can reach out to me at

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