Video Game Guides

Lost Ark: How To Change Guild Name & Flag

Don't like the flag or name of your Guild in Lost Ark? Then it is time you change it.

If you made a typo while naming your guild or want a different name now then you need not worry as Lost Ark allows you to change your guild name. This is a nice feature that is very much needed in such MMORPG games. Not only that but Lost Ark also allows you to change your guild flag, emblem, and more. So if you are interested in making these changes for your guild then you are at the right place. Also, learn here about the guild name change issues by other Lost Ark players.

How to Change Guild Name and Flag in Lost Ark

You can change your Guild flag and name from the Manage tab in your guild screen. Changing your flag is free but if you want to change your Guild name you need to use a name change ticket.

  • Change Guild Flag
  • Change Guild Name

How to Change Guild flag

  1. Open the guild screen.
  2. Press the right-arrows on the top right corner of this screen and select the Manage tab.
  3. Click on Edit Flag.
  4. Change the flag.

How to Change Guild Name in Lost Ark

  1. Go to the in-game store.
  2. Here buy the Name change ticket for 2900 Royal Crystals. (It costs around 30 US Dollars)
  3. Use this card to change your guild name.

Remember if you are not the guild master then you won’t be able to make these changes. Only the Guild master can make changes to the guild’s name, flag, emblem, and other such fields.

Guild Name change issues faced by players

Two players from the community Owchy and Pudgy have reported issues while trying to modify their Guild names in Lost Ark. You can check their entire discussion on this forums thread here. While there seems to be no fix for this issue right now. If you are facing the same issue you can report it to Amazon games.

How to name your Guild

As per the Lost Ark support team, your Guild name must follow the following criteria “Guild names are limited to 2 – 20 characters, character names are limited to 2 – 16 characters.” You can find this criterion mentioned in the above discussion thread of the Lost Ark forums.

That covers everything you should know about how to name your guild, change your guild name & flag in Lost Ark, and about the guild name change issue. Since you like playing this game you will enjoy our other guides on the best engravings tier list and how to transfer items between characters.

Karan Pahuja

Karan is a Soulsborne enjoyer who grew up playing NES classics like Contra, Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Megaman, and a list of other games that go on. He also enjoys FPS games like Overwatch 2 and Valorant. Currently, he is maining Cammy in Street Fighter 6, while experimenting some Sorcerer builds in Diablo 4. And if you need help with some boss fights in a game, he is your guy!

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