
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare & Warzone File Size Is 209GB on PC After Update, Making Players Angry

The new updates of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare appears regularly, which consumes a lot of storage space. Therefore, the game has grown over time, for which it has been criticized many times. Due to the update released yesterday, the game is now over 209GB in size on PC.

This week a comprehensive update for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has been released, the download is between 22GB and 36GB. A second download is required on the console, which is approximately 3.5GB in size.

The past updates of the game also attracted attention due to their size. The big Season 4 update was 45GB on the PC. As a result, the game has now broken through the 200GB mark, which leads to resentment among fans. The players are annoyed because the game takes up so much storage space and every update has a long waiting time.

Especially on the day of release of the game updates, the servers are usually fully utilized, which means that the download of the update can take countless hours. Especially players with slow download speeds are left behind with a new update.

Players with a small or full hard drive space will be forced to delete existing content or even buy a new hard drive due to the game. On Reddit, someone opened a game size thread by inserting a screenshot of the game file. There the size is a whopping 209GB. For players who only have the Battle Royale mode “Warzone” and not the full version, the size of the game is about 100GB.

However, there is also good news: If you play Call of Duty: Modern Warfare on the console, you can now delete unused content from the game. It consists of several parts that are independent of each other.

Unfortunately, deleting individual parts of the game is not yet possible for PC players.


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