Borderlands 3

Borderlands 3 Director’s Cut: How to Get and Use Diamond Keys

Here's how to get and use diamond keys in Borderlands 3.

The Director’s Cut DLC for Borderlands 3 has arrived, carrying with it a slew of new features. The new Diamond Keys, which are more expensive than existing Golden Keys, are included in this. You’ll also need a Diamond Key to access the Diamond Armory in Sanctuary 3. You must own the Director’s Cut DLC pack to even be able to get Diamond Keys within the title. In the base game, these keys are not available. So, with that out of the way, let’s have a look at how to get and use diamond keys in Borderlands 3 Director’s Cut DLC.

How to Get Diamond Keys in Borderlands 3?

To get diamond keys in Borderlands 3 you need to have Director’s Cut DLC pack which will allow you to use the new Vault Card mechanic and get some initial diamond keys. Vault Cards are the DLC’s latest leveling system, which has a new progression bar at the bottom of the base XP bar. You will level up in the progression bar by playing missions, destroying all enemies, and completing Daily and Weekly Vault Card challenges after triggering the new vault card, Fallen Heroes. You unlock new crates as you progress through the Vault Card stages. Diamond Keys and other important gears can be found in these crates.

How to Use Diamond Keys in Borderlands 3?

The new Diamond Armory on Sanctuary 3 can be accessed with Diamond Keys. Insert a Diamond Key into the Diamond Chest in the center of the room to reveal the three walls with equipment on them. The tops of these three walls will have icons. One has a shield symbol, one has a gun symbol, and the last wall has a grenade symbol. Before the wall vault closes, you will have a limited amount of time to pick the item you need. After you’ve taken all 3 items, you can open the Diamond chest for the fourth item. which is legendary gear. You can repeat the cycle by using more Diamond keys each time.

That’s everything you need to know about how to get and use diamond keys in Borderlands 3 Director’s Cut DLC. Stay tuned and check our Borderlands 3 Wiki section for more updates.

Phil James

Phil is a creative and imaginative person who loves to tell stories. He believes video games are a powerful medium that can transport players to new and exciting worlds. He is excited to continue writing and gaming and hopes one day to create a fun video game.

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