Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II

Modern Warfare 2: How To Board APC

Here's how to Board APC during the Violence & Timing mission in COD Modern Warfare 2.

Modern Warfare 2 comes with insane graphics and other in-game elements that are more than enough to keep you entertained for hours. Though MW2 observed a launch full of bugs, it was still well received by the audience. As we all know, CoD games are known for their wide range of weaponry and multiplayer modes. one would definitely not want to miss a chance to experience MW2’s single-player campaign. While most of the missions are sneaky ones, the Violence & Timing mission is going to be one heck of a roller coaster. During this mission, you will have to board an APC as a part of the objective. Most of the players are unable to board and hence, we are here to help you again. Read this guide till the end & know how to board the APC in COD MW2.

How to Board APC in COD MW2 in Violence & Timing Mission

On your way to rescue Laswell from Hassan’s henchmen, you will have to decimate them from every angle. Once you are finished killing enemies from the sky while riding the chopper, you will eventually have to ride Cargo Trucks to chase the enemies. In the meantime, enemies will play their best card by sending an APC to the battlefield. In order to eliminate this massive threat, you will have to board the APC and detonate it in MW2. Here are some tips to follow.

  • The wisest strategy here will be to avoid the lasers coming out of the APC. If the laser aims at the right, then you should move to the left and vice versa.
  • Also, it is recommended to use smaller vehicles as they move faster in comparison to Cargo Trucks.
  • Now, to board APC, simply drive closer to it and get on the roof.
  • Further, use the designated button to board the APC in MW2.
  • After that, kill the soldier inside and attach a detonator to him.
  • Once done, board the Ally vehicle so that you don’t get harmed by the detonation.

That’s all covered on how to board APC in COD MW2. If you found this article helpful, then make sure to check out our other MW2 guides on Gamer Tweak.

Aniket Maurya

Hops between Sports and Action RPG games frequently. Can play the Arkham series tirelessly. Currently invested in exploring FPS and Open-World games.

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