
Top 10 Best Video Game Romances

Best video game romances have touched our hearts and made us feel for characters. Games like Witcher 3, Max Payne, Life is Strange are best

Romances in video games go from idylls to tragedies in one cutscene and over the years, game developers have given us some of the best love stories that will not only steal your heart but also shed a tear for them as it gives you hope that there’s a chance of finding such pure bliss in real life.

Love has been synonymous with gaming right from the early days where we saw characters like Mario fight and survive to rescue his Princess Peach, everyone in the world recognizes the relationship between Link and Princess Zelda and there’s many more that come to mind.

We’ve rounded up all the best video game romances that we felt touched the bottom trenches of our hearts and left a deep desire to find someone who understands you just like the stories created by these game developers.

Top 10 Best Video Game Romances

Nathan Drake and Elena (Uncharted Series)

The Uncharted series gave the world a look inside the life of Nathan Drake, a famous treasure hunter who has his head filled with pirate stories and legends of the past. If you just look at Nathan Drake, you get the image of a sarcastic guy who is ready for every adventure but when you bring Elena into the mix who has been with him all along, the perspective of things starts to change.

Elena and Nate start their affair with a job with both working together but with her, he finds his much-needed closure to the chaos that keeps chasing him everywhere he goes. Being a treasure hunter is never easy, but this darkness of Nate is overshadowed by the care and affection that Elena and Drake share for each other.

You see both constantly bicker, argue, and most importantly save each other especially in Uncharted 4: Thieves End. For someone who lives two different lives indoors and outdoors, they look like the perfect match.

Mario and Princess Peach (Mario Series)

Imagine running, jumping, fighting, and going through all sorts of trouble to find the love of your life and then to lose her again in the next game. Well, that seems to be the luck that has been riding Mario ever since the characters were introduced in Mario Bros. all the way back in the 1980s.

Mario’s love for Peach is eternal and their story has remained the same ever since we’ve known them together. While Mario and Peach’s relationship seems traditional from the outside it is anything but that. It is a classic tale of a young Princess falling in love with a common man who puts his life on the line to save her.

You’d imagine that this relationship would be two dimensional like the games they were introduced in but with an ever-growing list of games that feature both of these characters from racing to fighting, it is clear that Mario and Princess Peach are meant to stay together forever.

Commander Shepherd and Various People

If BioWare is good at anything it is creating real-life emotions between two fictional characters so good that it has inspired people on the internet to create fan fiction which tells the story of how they live together and save the universe.

Commander Shepherd has various choices when it comes to selecting partners and isn’t gender-specific either. You can have your choices but each choice comes with so many options that it feels like having a conversation with people who share the same affection and devotion towards you as you do for them.

Mass Effect will introduce you to a new form of relationships in movies like you’ve never seen before and these characters stay with you, for all the epic action and adventure mixed with characters that will give you the entire experience of being in a relationship with all the facets that you can see.

Joker and Makato (Persona 5 Royal)

Persona 5 Royal gives you a ton of choices when it comes to selecting a female companion for Joker but no one stands out as good as Makato. She brings a new dimension when you start to date her in Persona 5 Royal as she even sides with you when you come face to face battling against her elder sister.

Makato and Joker’s journey starts in the classic way where they both first detest each other but as soon as they realize more things, the nature of their relationship quickly evolves and you start to see the best bits about them.

In a game about changing hearts and defeating mind palaces, Joker and Makato will surely create a place for themselves in your heart as this relationship seems most natural and loyal than any other pairing in the world.

Florence and Krish – Florence

You know how people say the right person can literally change your life, well that’s what exactly happens to Florence when she meets Krish in the game named after her. Though no words are spoken throughout the game, you can see them show off their emotions through body language.

But this love comes with the gameplay of balancing everything with a new addition in your life and while everything seems like covered in rose glasses, on a deeper emotional level Florence will give you an insight into your own relationships past, present, and future.

The entire gameplay of Florence is shaped around to create a different branch of thought into each player giving them food for thought before hastily judging people. While the sounds and art style of the game will mesmerize you at each step.

The Sims

The Sims gives you a realistic view of every aspect of life and love plays a huge role in the development of your character and what it does and does not. The Sims lets you dictate every aspect of the relationship with tons of options that lead narratives to different outcomes.

The Sims make you watch every celebration, every sorrow, and mundane moments in relationships and what it takes to maintain a happy one. It will make you put in efforts to inspire your better half to achieve everything they have the potential for.

The love in Sims has inspired people online to search and find their better halves uniting hundreds of people online together and making their lives mirror that of their Sims counterpart.

There is no one relationship waiting to happen but the possibilities that different people bring are heart-warming and touching. The Sims gives each player a new possibility and a start like no other.

Chloe and Rachel – Life Is Strange: Before The Storm

Players get to choose to have a platonic or romantic relationship with these characters in the game. Every motive and dialogue seem natural and it acts out like one of the complete and matured relationship in gaming. Life is Strange brings about a new definition to the relationship over how it evolves.

This beautiful story of friendship blossoming into a relationship gave goals to everyone who experienced this beautiful relationship and watching Chloe choking up on words acting nervous was one of the most genuine and honest ways we’ve seen video game characters interact with each other.

There will be moments that will reflect you and someone you know when watching this relationship unfold and we had to include this dynamic in here to show how two characters can rely on each other, make each other stronger and share love between them.

Max and Michelle Payne – Max Payne Series

Though we never get to see Max and Michelle in the game together, just a glimpse into how destructive Max becomes upon the death of his wife shows how passionately he loved her. There was something pure which when taken out leaves Max Payne as an empty shell, the one we’ve come to know.

Michelle’s absence was so destructive and emptying that even Mona Sax could not fill in the void no matter how much she tried. Without Michelle, Max has no limits to when it comes to pain and he goes from one darkness to the other.

It certainly is on our wish list to see get a Max Payne prequel so that we get to see the contrast of what his life used to be and understand the trauma it took to break Max Payne to what he’s become.

Jason Brody and Liza Snow – Far Cry 3

While the game focuses on anything but the relationship between these two characters, it still manages to stay relevant with minimal focus on it. At the end making your choice between Liza and Citra really questions your sanity the most.

Jason and Liza’s love gets darkened with a small vacation turn into a horror scene that sets the stage for the game and this dynamic keeps on building as you progress in the game. While Far Cry 3 may not offer you loads of options when it comes to seeing love in the game.

It is filled with love within the lines of the game, this tragedy is the opposite of what the rest of the games but it is something that we couldn’t leave out and had to include it on our list.

Geralt of Rivia and Triss or Yennefer – The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt offers players a ton of romance options and plays wonderfully on the promiscuity of the life of a Witcher, but it is characters like Triss and Yennifer that give Geralt a place to belong.

Both Yennefer and Triss play different sides of a coin and it is up to the players to choose between whom they want to pursue in the game. Both these characters are supportive and challenging in their ways that will make your personality stand out.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will certainly put you in a dilemma and we tried both ways to see how the story progresses with Triss and Yennefer and we’re still trying to argue who feels more natural as the choices are hard and we just wish we could have a world where we get another adventure where we see Geralt with both.

This is the entire list of the top 10 best video game and it was tough to pick one over the other, but we’ve let our hearts settle on these relationships and hope that you agree with this list.

Let us know what you think of this list, or you can check out our list of best RPG games to play in 2020.

Prasad More

Prasad is a crazy writer, lazy gamer, usually depends on the time of the day for it to be in that order. Aside from indulging in excessive movie-binge sessions and gaming, he uploads reviews and impressions of the latest in film and gaming. You can Connect me at contactus@gamertweak.com

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