
Best PS4 And Xbox One Horror Games For Halloween 2020: Dying Light

Check our list of the best ps4 and Xbox one horror games for Halloween 2020 starting with Dying Light. Keep coming back for daily horror game updates for PC

The final game on our list of Best PS4 and Xbox One horror game to play during Halloween 2020 is Dying Light. There are a lot of reasons why we chose this particular game over countless others and one of the key reasons was replayability.

Dying Light provided a level of open-world adventure that keeps drawing in the game with a fast-paced narrative making it a must-play during the Halloween 2020 season. Dying Light’s gameplay also enables players to have more mobility and creative free roam options.

Best PS4 And Xbox One Horror Game For Halloween 2020

The parkour ability in Dying Light is something that was never seen in a horror game before, this allowed players to come up with new and innovative ways to take down enemies or flee. There was a sense of escapism in Dying Light, while most horror games tend to keep you confined to small areas. This open-world game allowed players to go as far as they could.

Not only are you under the threat of a zombie apocalypse taking over the world but you will also face your fears when fellow human beings turn on you. Lies, deception, and twists are all bundled up to bring a new experience like never before.

Supplies are few and far away, so this means that getting to things that you’re desperately in need of can turn into a fight to save your own life. Weapons and their configuration will give you the ability to construct thousands of variations each giving you a different purpose.

While Dying Light isn’t a new game by any sense, the game’s world-building and assets still match up to games being developed today. Dying Light certainly will bring a much-needed pace change from other horror games during Halloween 2020.

You can even team up with your friends and traverse through the entire world of Dying Light as there will be plenty of comparisons with the current virus that has been plaguing the world.

Dying Light in itself is a self-reflecting narrative that will have you question your own choices as you move along. The game allows players to do as they please but there are consequences to each decision and will have you transfixed and hooked on to the game instantly.

I fell in love with Dying Light the moment I first played when it was released and still think about the in-game mechanics that seem to be missing from other games.

Make sure to give Dying Light a chance this Halloween 2020 and you’ll surely be surprised with everything it has to offer. Make sure to check out other great games to play during this awesome Halloween 2020 period.

Prasad More

Prasad is a crazy writer, lazy gamer, usually depends on the time of the day for it to be in that order. Aside from indulging in excessive movie-binge sessions and gaming, he uploads reviews and impressions of the latest in film and gaming. You can Connect me at contactus@gamertweak.com

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