COD Warzone 2

Best Places To Land On Ashika Island In Warzone 2

Drop in at the best spots with this guide on the best places to land on Ashika island in Warzone 2.

The new Ashika Island map introduced in Season 2 of Warzone 2 is a Japanese-themed island with many different POIs but which ones are the best places to land? This map, which is also known as “Isle of the Sea Lion”, is fairly bigger than the previous iterations of resurgence maps in Warzone. It features many different hidden paths and underground tunnels to quickly get away or rotate into the ring safely. Despite this, it can still get a bit hectic in the hot zones and during the end game.

Best spots to land on Ashika Island in Season 2 of Warzone 2

Listed here are the best places to land on the Ashika Island Resurgence map:

  • Port Ashika
  • Event Center Building – Town Center
  • Beach Club
  • Greenhouses – Ōganikku Farms
  • Tsuki Castle

Let’s go in-depth on each location and learn why they are the best places to land on Ashika Island in Warzone 2.

Port Ashika

Named after the island itself, Port Ashika is a dense harbor with many different buildings scattered around its concrete base. It is cut in two parts by a canal in the middle which leads straight into the underground Waterways.

Loot here is scattered like the buildings but there is plenty to go around. The advantage of that is that you can find a safer place to land in the area as squads won’t focus on landing in one building.

Event Center Building – Town Center

This building is highly recognizable with the bright light-blue concrete surrounding its pathways. The Event Center Building is in the Town Center part of the map. It’s a sizeable building with a lot of loot inside it. It is also surrounded by plenty of other good buildings with decent loot.

In case too many people are landing at the Event Center Building, you can always divert to one of those other buildings. Rotations from this building are also good with direct access to the underground Waterways.

Beach Club

The Beach Club is a big POI featuring many sizable buildings. It also houses the Ashika Aquarium which has a lot of loot in it. It makes for a good spot to drop in because of how many options you get in terms of buildings to land on.

This place is especially good for bigger squads because each member can come out with decent gear and money from this place. Rotation to the Tsuki Castle, Town Center, and Waterways is very accessible from here.

Greenhouses – Ōganikku Farms

Ōganikku Farms on Ashika Island in Warzone 2 is dominated by Greenhouses. This sprawling Greenhouse area has many warehouses type structures that are very easy to navigate and understand. Decent loot is also available in each of them.

It also has two big residential buildings opposite it towards the hill. These buildings can also be a good spot to land initially and then rotate into Greenhouses. From here you can either rotate the north side towards residential or the south side towards Town Center. If you are feeling brave enough, you can also head towards the hill and get to Tsuki Castle.

Tsuki Castle

The highlight of Ashika Island, Tsuki Castle is in the center of the map on top of a hill. It is also the highest point on the map. The castle itself has many different sections that have a lot of loot in them. The Main Stronghold of the castle will often be a hot spot for everyone to land so try to get a gun ASAP when you land there.

It also features another section which is the North Museum Grounds. This place also has a lot of loot and can serve as a good alternative if you don’t want to drop into the Main Stronghold section of the castle. Since the castle is in the center and also on high ground, it is easy to rotate almost anywhere on the map.

These are the best places to land on Ashika Island in Warzone 2. For more guides like this, check out our other articles like how to unlock Ashika Island Townhall and about all Ashika Island weapon case rewards in Warzone 2.

Junaid Shaikh

When Junaid isn't making music, he is playing games. He never backs down from a challenge, and never slows down either when he is racing F1 cars or drifting JDM whips on the racing wheel. If not racing, he plays FPS games like CoD and Overwatch.

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