Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II

Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Alone Walkthrough

Here is how you can beat the Alone mission in CoD Modern Warfare 2.

Alone is probably the hardest mission of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, and many players are unable to complete it. In this mission, you start with no weapons or equipment and have to get to Ghost while collecting them on your way. But that is easier said than done as it tests your survival skills a lot. But thankfully, if you know the way and the tactics you can complete this mission in no time. So let us quickly check the Walkthrough for how you can beat Alone in CoD MW2.

How to Beat Alone in CoD MW2

To beat alone, you need to play stealthily for the first half of the mission. The goal is to collect resources and prepare yourself to meet Ghost. As you progress through the mission you will find weapons on the way. Then at the end, you have to meet up with Ghost at the Church and get to the pickup truck to escape. Here is the complete breakdown of the mission:

  1. Start by taking left in the alleyway.
  2. Keep going straight, you can see Shadow Company on the right so go inside the house.
  3. You will find 2 doors here. The right one you cannot open just yet so go left and collect resources to craft a makeshift pry tool.
  4. Open the left door and pick up the binding from the corpse.
  5. Explore that room and collect metal from the fan.
  6. Now, open your backpack and select the pry tool.
  7. Next, pry open the door on the right which you previously couldn’t open.
  8. Now, pass the corridor and go left to open the door of the room with the big TV.
  9. Instead of going out take a right and go up the stairs.
  10. As you keep going you will find a headlamp. Collect it.
  11. Now, you can explore the area for resources.
  12. Once you are done turn back from where you got the headlamp and go across the door on the left.
  13. There will be another door here, pry it open.
  14. From here you have to go right. Be careful as there is a dog outside the room on the left side.
  15. The dog will alert the guards when it sees you.
  16. Run straight toward the balcony and jump down.
  17. Once down, turn left to the alley and then go up the stairs.
  18. Keep going straight from here.
  19. Once you reach the end you can see Shadow Company killing people below.
  20. Get down and walk towards the fountain.
  21. Collect the bottle. You can use it to distract enemies.
  22. Throw the bottle and stealthily get behind the guard outside la dulce.
  23. Once the enemy goes around to check where the bottle came from go inside la dulce.
  24. Collect all the resources you can inside then come out of the door on the other side.
  25. On the left, you can see a window.
  26. Go inside and collect what you can.
  27. Use the door and then go out the red door on your right.
  28. Distract the enemy by throwing a bottle, then go inside the clothing shop on the right.
  29. Go inside the shop and use the door on the left. Use your headlamp to find your way around and collect resources.
  30. You should come across a body here. Collect the Knife from it.
  31. On its right, you can also find a supply box loot it.
  32. Use the window on the left of the body.
  33. Turn left from the window and go straight. You can find some resources on the right.
  34. Eliminate the guard in front of you and take their weapon.
  35. Turn back and take a right to the alley.
  36. Keep going down the alley and you will find enemies at the end. Craft and use explosives or use guns to eliminate them.
  37. After they are dealt with go straight and jump down.
  38. Now, you can see a green door in front of you.
  39. Instead of using the door, go left beside it and enter from the garage on the right.
  40. Use the window to get in and then collect the Shotgun.
  41. Go up inside this house and explore the room.
  42. Use the door at the end.
  43. A man will fall down, ignore him, and on the right, you can find a supply crate that you need to pry open.
  44. Open it and you will get Adrenaline and Explosives. Use the Adrenaline there.
  45. Take a right to go inside the Coffee Shop.
  46. Go left and turn back to find a safe which gives you a .50GS gun and a throwing knife. The safe code is 10-10-80.
  47. Next, jump down near the fan with the supply crate. You can loot the crate before getting down.
  48. Turn left and go outside.
  49. You can go behind and turn right.
  50. Across the door, you will find another safe. Open it using code 37-60-80. Here you will get another throwing knife and a crossbow.
  51. Use it to eliminate the enemies and make your way to the tunnel.
  52. Eliminate the enemies at the end of the tunnel. Collect their M4.
  53. Now, make your way to the Church.
  54. As you get to the church you will get nearly caught by the Shadow Company. After which they will be alert about your escape.
  55. Avoid fighting and rush toward the church.
  56. Meet up with Ghost then follow him.
  57. Eliminate the enemies and make your way to the pickup truck to complete the mission.

Thanks to Nemsk on YouTube for their video on the best path for this mission. I suggest you also check out their video to get more help with this mission.

That covers this guide on how to beat the Alone mission in CoD MW2. Don’t forget to check our Modern Warfare 2 Wiki to get help on other topics of this game.

Karan Pahuja

Karan is a Soulsborne enjoyer who grew up playing NES classics like Contra, Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Megaman, and a list of other games that go on. He also enjoys FPS games like Overwatch 2 and Valorant. Currently, he is maining Cammy in Street Fighter 6, while experimenting some Sorcerer builds in Diablo 4. And if you need help with some boss fights in a game, he is your guy!

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