Overwatch 2

Who Is The Winner Of Battle For Olympus In Overwatch 2?

Here is the current standing for each hero in Battle for Olympus in Overwatch 2.

The battle for Olympus event is over in Overwatch 2 and players are wondering which Hero is winning it. During this event, you could play a special free-for-all deathmatch, where selected characters got powers of notable figures from Greek Mythology. And the hero winning this event has a big reward waiting for them. So here is the Winner of Battle for Olympus event in Overwatch 2 and the Leaderboard Rankings.

Who is the Winner of Battle for Olympus in Overwatch 2?

Junker Queen has won the Battle for Olympus in Overwatch 2, and will have her Statue placed on the Ilios map. She tops the leaderboard with a total number of  43,461,573 kills. Here is the ranking for each character:

Ranking Hero Kills
1 Junker Queen 43,461,573
2 Pharah 40,805,065
3 Lucio 32,049,744
4 Roadhog 31,957,888
5 Widowmaker 30,961,569
6 Reinhardt 29,122,019
7 Ramattra 25,521,055

These ranks are official and were posted by @PlayOverwatch on Twitter. Check out this post below.

Below you can find the information of when the event was ongoing:

Don’t worry though the event is ending on 19th January and there is still some time left. So if you start playing as your favorite hero there is still a chance to make them win. Pharah is not too far behind in kills to Junker Queen. And you never know the players might just pull a UNO reverse and make Ramattra win. Although considering his number of kills it is highly unlikely.

What happens when a Hero Wins the Battle for Olympus?

The hero that has the most number of kills at the end of the event will win the Battle for Olympus, and the game will immortalize them by placing their statue on the Illios Ruins arena map.

But don’t feel sad if your hero doesn’t win, because for completing the special challenges you still get free rewards.

That covers this guide on who is winning the Battle for Olympus in Overwatch 2 and the current leaderboard standings. For more things on this game, I suggest you check out our Overwatch 2 section.

Karan Pahuja

Karan is a Soulsborne enjoyer who grew up playing NES classics like Contra, Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Megaman, and a list of other games that go on. He also enjoys FPS games like Overwatch 2 and Valorant. Currently, he is maining Cammy in Street Fighter 6, while experimenting some Sorcerer builds in Diablo 4. And if you need help with some boss fights in a game, he is your guy!

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