Sons of the Forest

How To Make Animal Traps In Sons Of The Forest

Here is how you can make Animal Traps to catch all the animals you need to cook in Sons of the Forest.

Hunting and cooking are integral parts of Sons of the Forest but how do you capture animals by making Animal Traps? Soon after crashing into Sons of the Forest, you are going to be hungry, very hungry. You might find some Canned Food here and there but it will run out fairly quickly. That’s why you are likely going to rely on hunting animals for their meat. Let’s take a look at how you can set up animal traps in order to capture some of the animals running around.

How to Capture Animals with Animal Traps in Sons of the Forest

You would think there is a lot that goes into making animal traps right? Not really. All you need pretty much is Sticks. A LOT of sticks. Sticks can be found just lying around in most places that you explore. If there are trees around then surely there are sticks lying around too.

Here is the amount of sticks you need for both Animal Traps and Fish Traps:

  • Animal Trap – 14x sticks: should be placed on flat ground.
  • Fish Trap – 25x sticks: should be placed in bodies of water.

Now, after you have collected all the sticks required. Open your inventory and open the Guide Book. Then, hold the ‘X’ key until you get to the crafting section. Here, select the Traps tab which will be at the bottom.

After that, choose the trap that you want to place, once selected, you will see a white outline of the Animal Trap on the floor or the Fish Trap in water. Find a nice little spot where you can place the Animal Trap on the ground without obstruction. Once you find it, press the ‘E’ key multiple times until all sticks are placed.

Your Animal Trap is now ready to capture animals. You can now do what you want and come back to it in some time and considering there are a lot of critters around the area you placed it, you will have one captured in it.

That is all you need to know on how to make Animal Traps in Sons of the Forest. For more guides like this, check out our other articles like how to build a gate and how to trade items with friends in Sons of the Forest.

Junaid Shaikh

When Junaid isn't making music, he is playing games. He never backs down from a challenge, and never slows down either when he is racing F1 cars or drifting JDM whips on the racing wheel. If not racing, he plays FPS games like CoD and Overwatch.

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