Call of Duty Warzone

How To Easily Unlock The AN-94 Assault Rifle in Call of Duty Modern Warfare And Warzone

The AN-94 Assault Rifle in Call of Duty Modern Warfare And Warzone is a Season 5 tier weapon. Its hyper-burst feature will help to kill enemies faster

The AN-94 Assault Rifle in Call of Duty Modern Warfare and Warzone is a beast of a gun that can obliterate your opponents, you can unlock this weapon easily if you know what you have to do. If you want to unlock the AN-94 Assault Rifle in Call of Duty Modern Warfare and Warzone, read the rest of this guide.

How To Unlock The AN-94 Assault Rifle in Call of Duty Modern Warfare And Warzone

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Warzone just introduced us to its Season 5, this brings a ton of changes to the map and along with it brings few guns. Among the new guns is the AN-94 Assault Rifle, this weapon is precise and sharp and you should definitely get it in the game.

  1. The unlock process of the AN-94 Assault Rifle isn’t that difficult either, but you will need to be consistent in Call of Duty: Warzone.
  2. All you have to do to unlock the AN-94 Assault Rifle is reach tier 31 in the game, it doesn’t matter if you do it in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare or Warzone, you will get the gun in both modes.
  3. Reaching Tier 31 is no easy feat but if you keep playing the game, it will help you level up faster. You should also look at completing all the daily tasks and objectives that you get to earn more XP in the game.
  4. The more kills you get in a game, the more XP you earn, and likewise the more time you spend in the game being alive and closer to being the sole survivor. You can check out how to earn level up battle pass quickly right here.
  5. The AN-94 Assault Rifle has a hyperburst feature and this will help obliterate your opponents when you face them in the game. Having a rapid firing rate will not let your enemies have time to revert back with their attack and you can take them down easily.

This is all there is to know about how to unlock the AN-94 Assault Rifle in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Warzone.

Prasad More

Prasad is a crazy writer, lazy gamer, usually depends on the time of the day for it to be in that order. Aside from indulging in excessive movie-binge sessions and gaming, he uploads reviews and impressions of the latest in film and gaming. You can Connect me at

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