Among Us

Among Us New Update Lets You hide Who’s Voted

A few hours ago, new information arrived regarding the new update of Among Us, a title developed by InnerSloth. The sequel to the title may never release, and it is for this fact that the developers have had the opportunity to double the updates, thus guaranteeing a richer and more complete video game experience.

In this new patch, therefore, it will be possible to hide your name during the voting process in an emergency meeting. However, all this means, in a very constricting way, that the other players are more confident towards the voter; however, the deception factor also increases, which is precisely what the game is based on.

The developers also wanted to increase accessibility to the title for all players with color blindness in a simple but precise way. The graphic aspect of the electrical cables to be connected was concerned, as the developers partially changed the color of the latter.

The new patch is only available for the Steam version, mobile players will have to wait a while before they can see, in effect, the new changes made to Among Us. The size of this new patch, however, is not that huge and this is certainly not what the developers were aiming for when they decided to modify the most boring part of the title.

A further change made, in-game is related to the display of the taskbar, that is, the bar that shows the tasks to be performed during the course of your game. It will therefore be possible to keep it constantly active (as in the old versions of the game) or go to remove it, activating it only by pressing a button; new changes also allow players to make this bar appear during meetings with other players or to permanently disable it.

Finally, we remind you that the developers have discussed a possible future of Among Us for consoles, thus expanding their boundaries and making it accessible to console gamers.


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