Among Us

How To Complete All Airship Map Cargo Bay Tasks In Among Us

This guide will show you how to complete the tasks in the Cargo Bay in the new Among Us Airship map.

Among Us has a new Airship map with updated locations and tasks such as the Cargo Bay. This is part of the new update that Among Us has rolled out in a bid to keep the game fresh. There are also new tasks for you to complete as you ride aboard the Airship. In this guide, we tell you how to complete the tasks in the Cargo Bay of the new Airship Map in Among Us.

Where is the Cargo Bay located in the new Airship map in Among Us

The Cargo Bay is located to the extreme right of the Airship Map. It has three entry points in total. You can enter the Cargo Bay through the Medical Room, the Lounge, and the Showers room.

How to unlock the Safe in the Cargo Bay

The safe is located at the right-hand bottom of the Cargo Bay. It is yellow in color. You have to interact with it to open it. You will see the correct combination on the safe with the digits appearing in the order they’re supposed to be entered in. Do not let go of your finger from the dial. Once you enter the three digits correctly you have to rotate the handle on the right. Rotate it counter-clockwise and complete the task.

How to complete the Refuel Engines task

Go to the Refuel Station and fill up the gas tank. Now, head to the engine room and refuel the engines using the fuel. Doing this will complete the task.

How to Download Data in the Cargo Bay

This is the easiest out of all the tasks. You just have to interact with the panel on the wall. All you have to do is download all the information on your tablet. You can later upload it by going to the Viewing Deck.

This is everything you need to know about how to complete all the Cargo Bay tasks in the Airship Map from Among Us. Find out how to complete some of the other tasks in the Main Hall and the Records room.

Mihir Hate

Decided to become a writer because he started getting good at writing Instagram captions for his friends. Would be better at playing the games he reviews if he didn't spend so much time looking at shoes.

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