{"id":265596,"date":"2023-09-20T09:01:41","date_gmt":"2023-09-20T13:01:41","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/gamertweak.com\/?p=265596"},"modified":"2023-10-07T04:43:43","modified_gmt":"2023-10-07T08:43:43","slug":"cure-addiction-in-starfield","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/gamertweak.com\/cure-addiction-in-starfield\/","title":{"rendered":"Starfield: How To Cure Addiction"},"content":{"rendered":"

Throughout the Starfield Settled Systems, you\u2019ll find various drugs, alcohol, substances, and stimulants that can be used to boost health and provide resistance against damage to some extent but also can get your character addicted to them if taken on a regular basis. These addictions may become server and have to be treated on time. If you are also looking for ways to treat your character’s addiction, this guide will walk you through all the possible ways and methods to cure addiction in Starfield.<\/p>\n

How to Treat and Cure Addiction in Starfield<\/h2>\n


While drugs or other stimulants help you boost your abilities for a few instances it has an adverse effect on your character’s health which can be noticed, like equipment carrying weight is reduced, or expend energy quicker even while doing simple tasks. Also, your general battle performance and overall health are lowered. Luckily, there are 3 methods through which you can cure Addiction in Starfield mentioned below.<\/p>\n

Use Addichrone<\/h3>\n

This is a temporary solution that can come in handy if for some reason you are unable to take other meditation options. Addicrone can be found in many vendors and medical facilities across the Starfield world. This is the cheapest method, but is effective only for 10 minutes. Use it as you use the medpack <\/a><\/strong>and you be relieved for 10 minutes.<\/p>\n

Visit a Doctor<\/h3>\n

If you are looking for something permanent to cure your character’s addiction, visiting a health professional like a doctor can be beneficial for you. Doctors can completely cure the addict status of your character. The fees that you pay to the doctor can range from 400 to 500 credits<\/strong>. However, if you have multiple addictions, this price can increase as well. Below is the list to help you locate doctors in Starfield to get your addiction treated.<\/p>\n

List of doctors:\u00a0<\/strong><\/p>\n