{"id":213682,"date":"2023-04-02T22:55:37","date_gmt":"2023-04-03T02:55:37","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/gamertweak.com\/?p=213682"},"modified":"2023-04-02T22:55:37","modified_gmt":"2023-04-03T02:55:37","slug":"hardcore-builds-fallout-new-vegas","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/gamertweak.com\/hardcore-builds-fallout-new-vegas\/","title":{"rendered":"Best Hardcore Mode Builds For Fallout New Vegas"},"content":{"rendered":"

Fallout New Vegas is a game full of possibilities. The RPG classic lets players take on the unforgiving wasteland of the Mojave as any kind of character they choose to be. For anyone that’s already played the game before and is looking to jump back in, the Hardcore Mode might be just the thing they need. However this mode is not to be taken lightly- permanent companion death, delayed healing, and ammo that will now weigh you down are just some of the brutal perks of this mode. If you decide to take on the challenge, here are some of the best Hardcore builds to try in Fallout New Vegas.<\/p>\n

Fallout New Vegas: Best Hardcore Builds<\/h2>\n


Hardcore Mode is the game at its most unforgiving. The game takes away many of the mechanics most new players rely on. Health packs don’t work as effectively, you’ll have to visit a doctor to heal any major wounds like broken bones, and companions can now die permanently<\/strong> are just some of the challenges in Hardcore Mode. This makes your choice of S.P.E.C.I.A.L points very important, focusing on just one or two stats and skills is the best way to survive the odds. Let’s look at a few such builds you can try during your playthrough.<\/p>\n

The Sharp Shooter<\/h3>\n

Sneak up behind enemy lines and take them out one by one with your trusty sniper, this is the perfect build for the snipers out there. This build helps you utilize one of the game’s strongest weapons The Sniper<\/strong> which can be found if you have the Lonesome Road DLC.<\/strong> This build doesn’t require you to have high Strength, Endurance, or Charisma but needs high Luck and Perception to work its magic. Combine this with perks like Sneak, Finesse, Rapid Reload, and Sniper<\/strong> to increase your effectiveness and skill. Here are the S.P.E.C.I.A.L points needed for this build.<\/p>\n