{"id":183646,"date":"2022-12-28T04:17:13","date_gmt":"2022-12-28T09:17:13","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/gamertweak.com\/?p=183646"},"modified":"2023-01-27T01:01:36","modified_gmt":"2023-01-27T06:01:36","slug":"get-malicious-armor-pokemon-sv","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/gamertweak.com\/get-malicious-armor-pokemon-sv\/","title":{"rendered":"How To Get Malicious Armor In Pokemon Scarlet Violet"},"content":{"rendered":"

Charcadet has two evolutions and one of them needs you to get Malicious Armor in Pokemon Violet. But this is no common item that you can find randomly. You cannot even buy this item from the in-game shops. Rather there is a certain NPC that gives you away this item. So in this guide check out how to get the Malicious Armor in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet.<\/p>\n

How to Get Malicious Armor in Pokemon Violet<\/h2>\n


You can trade Sinistea Chips for Malicious Armor with an NPC in Pokemon Violet.<\/strong> While there is no direct way to get this item in Pokemon Scarlet, as it is Violet exclusive. There is a workaround that you can try for it. Here is how you can get Malicious armor in both games:<\/p>\n

  1. Fast Travel to the East Pokemon Center in Zapapico town<\/strong>.<\/li>\n
  2. Talk to the NPC standing near a small water fountain<\/strong>.<\/li>\n
  3. Her speech bubble says “Fancy a Trade”.<\/li>\n
  4. She will ask you to give her 10 Sinistea Chips in exchange for a “curio with a…dark past”<\/strong>. This item is nothing but Malicious Armor.<\/li>\n
  5. Now, you need to catch or defeat 10 Sinistea to get these chips<\/strong>. Some of the best locations where you can find these Pokemon are:\n